The Roman Rite in the Algonquian and Iroquoian Missions (Massinahigan) by Claudio R. Salvucci
The Roman Rite in the Algonquian and Iroquoian Missions (Massinahigan) by Claudio R. Salvucci PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Representing the first general treatment of the "Indian Mass" of the North American Catholic missions, this volume draws on historical descriptions as well as rare missionary manuscripts and publications to trace the development of the distinctive American Indian liturgies from the early hymn singing of the mid-1600s to the adaptation of vernacular plainchant and polyphony. Weaving together extensive primary source quotations, Salvucci overturns popular misconceptions of missionaries as cultural imperialists, showing instead how native congregations and scholarly priests worked together in adapting the rich traditions of Counter-Reformation Roman Catholicism to the linguistic and cultural needs of the New World.From reader reviews:
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