School-Community Relations by Douglas J. Fiore
School-Community Relations by Douglas J. Fiore PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Accessible and practical, School-Community Relations, Fourth Edition provides aspiring educational leaders with the skills to establish strong systems for communicating with their various school constituencies and to improve public relations at all levels. This textbook uses real-life examples to illustrate the ways in which administrators and school leaders can effectively engage and enlist partnerships with teachers, staff, students, parents, and community members. Case studies at the end of each chapter apply the strategies to realistic scenarios, and Questions for Analysis help readers engage critically with the material.
Features of this newly revised edition include:
- Try This At Your School sections that offer insights into the ways in which actual educational leaders have fostered positive school-community relations.
- Updated information about public opinion, how parents view their local schools, and the current education climate.
- New strategies for utilizing social media to improve school-community relations and foster a positive school image.
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