Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ Individualism Old and New (Great Books in Philosophy) by John Dewey

Individualism Old and New (Great Books in Philosophy) by John Dewey

Individualism Old and New (Great Books in Philosophy)

Individualism Old and New (Great Books in Philosophy) by John Dewey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

America's most renowned social philosopher John Dewey shines his powerful intellect on the serious public and cultural issues surrounding the place of the individual in a technologically advanced society. In this penetrating study, he addresses the fear that personal creative potential will be trampled by assembly-line monotony, political bureaucracy, and an industrialized culture of uniformity. Armed with his pragmatic approach and his belief in the power of critical intelligence, Dewey argues that individualism has in fact been offered a uniquely higher plane of technological development upon which to grow, mature, and redefine itself.

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