Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

PDF⋙ Creating Keepsakes: Scrapbooking Family Heritage (Leisure Arts #15939) by Crafts Media LLC

Creating Keepsakes: Scrapbooking Family Heritage (Leisure Arts #15939) by Crafts Media LLC

Creating Keepsakes: Scrapbooking Family Heritage  (Leisure Arts #15939)

Creating Keepsakes: Scrapbooking Family Heritage (Leisure Arts #15939) by Crafts Media LLC PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

'Where did you get that red hair?' 'What's the story behind that gorgeous wedding dress?' These and scores of other family history topics are scrapbooked beautifully in this jumbo Treasury of Favorites from Creating Keepsakes publications. The incredible stories and layouts will inspire families to dig through their own pictures to create priceless, lasting heirlooms. There are even fast-to-finish mini album ideas for busy folks who feel overwhelmed at the thought of getting started! Devoted to weddings and births, childhood and grandparenting, there are more than 575 creative page designs and practical tips to guide first-time or longtime scrappers alike.

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Creating Keepsakes: Scrapbooking Family Heritage (Leisure Arts #15939) by Crafts Media LLC EPub

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