Rabu, 30 September 2015

PDF⋙ Fun and Fantastical Slippers to Knit: Flora, Fauna, and Iconic Styles for Kids and Grownups by Mary Scott Huff

Fun and Fantastical Slippers to Knit: Flora, Fauna, and Iconic Styles for Kids and Grownups by Mary Scott Huff

Fun and Fantastical Slippers to Knit: Flora, Fauna, and Iconic Styles for Kids and Grownups

Fun and Fantastical Slippers to Knit: Flora, Fauna, and Iconic Styles for Kids and Grownups by Mary Scott Huff PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Knit slippers for someone, and you'll keep their toes warm. Give the slippers googly eyes, floppy ears, or a puffy tail, and you will give them and everyone they meet something to giggle about. Do you know someone who could use beyond-cute slippers that resemble a woodland creature, conjure an iconic movie scene, or sweep the wearer off to Oz? Fun and Fantastical Slippers to Knit adds a little fun to indoor footwear. They transport us back to those carefree days of childhood when playing dress-up and make-believe occupied hours of our time. Tweens, teens, hipsters, and even self-restrained adult-types are all rockin' these zaney and unique slippers. The twenty knit slippers in this book are designed in sizes to fit kids to adults and are coveted by guys and gals alike. They represent a variety of knitting styles; some are knitted and felted for extra comfort and warmth. Imagine pacing the floor in colorful joker booties or gazing over your big fluffy sheep slippers at the nightly news. Designed by author Mary Scott Huff, these slippers are every bit as adorable, and quirky as her fantastical hats!

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Fun and Fantastical Slippers to Knit: Flora, Fauna, and Iconic Styles for Kids and Grownups by Mary Scott Huff Mobipocket
Fun and Fantastical Slippers to Knit: Flora, Fauna, and Iconic Styles for Kids and Grownups by Mary Scott Huff EPub

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