Sabtu, 12 September 2015

PDF⋙ Texas Cinderella (Texas Grooms (Love Inspired Historical)) by Winnie Griggs

Texas Cinderella (Texas Grooms (Love Inspired Historical)) by Winnie Griggs

Texas Cinderella (Texas Grooms (Love Inspired Historical))

Texas Cinderella (Texas Grooms (Love Inspired Historical)) by Winnie Griggs PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In Search of a Groom 

After a life of drudgery on her family's farm, Cassie Lynn Vickers relishes her freedom working in town as a paid companion for feisty Mrs. Flanagan. When her father suddenly demands she come home, she has no choice. Unless she can find a husband. If only she could convince handsome town newcomer Riley Walker to marry her… 

Riley is on the run. He's desperate to keep his niece and nephew safe from his crooked half brother. But a delay in Turnabout, Texas, shows him everything he didn't know he was missing: home, family—and Cassie Lynn. Can he find a way to become her Prince Charming…and build a real family with the children and Cassie Lynn?

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